Grammar and punctuation checker

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Why users choose our Grammar Checker

🌎 English Grammar, spelling & commas
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🎯 AI-powered Instantly corrects
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Grammar and punctuation checker

TextAdviser is your ideal online tool for verifying grammar and punctuation, ensuring your writing is clear and accurate. This free grammar corrector carefully checks every sentence, identifying errors and making corrections. Whether you're refining a professional document or simply writing a message, TextAdviser makes it easy to improve your English.

The grammar checker examines your text, fixing mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. It eliminates worries about misplaced commas or incorrect grammar. Unlike basic spell checkers, TextAdviser offers a complete solution to enhance the overall quality of your writing.

With this tool, you can verify your content, ensuring it's polished and error-free. You can confidently check, correct, and improve your writing using this powerful online resource, allowing your ideas to be presented without grammar issues.

The service allows you to check English grammar, spelling, and punctuation. On the main page, you can select another language. It's recommended to check spelling first, followed by punctuation.

Unregistered users can check up to 1000 characters, while registered users can check up to 1500 characters. The Pro version allows checks of up to 100,000 characters, offers priority in the queue, and removes ads.

Spelling check

After running a spell check, potential mistakes are highlighted in yellow. Clicking on a highlighted word gives more information and correction options. Choose the correct option to fix the error.

Punctuation check

The punctuation check identifies up to 80% of punctuation errors, highlighting them in different colors:

  • Orange: A capital letter has been changed.
  • Red: A high chance of punctuation error.
  • Yellow: A new punctuation mark has been added.
  • Green: The mark is correct.

Clicking on a highlighted mark allows you to remove or change it. Clicking on an orange word will return it to lowercase. Proper punctuation is crucial for conveying the right meaning, so ensure marks are placed correctly!

Mobile apps are available for Android and iOS.

Automatic punctuation placement

The service also automatically adds punctuation marks like commas, periods, and dashes. This feature helps you quickly format text for later use.

Correctly placed punctuation ensures that your writing is easily understood. It helps to emphasize important details and adds clarity to your message.

Without punctuation, text becomes unclear. Pauses (commas, periods), emotions (exclamation points), and uncertainty (question marks) all depend on proper punctuation for clear communication.

The basic rules of punctuation in English

Period (.): Used to end a declarative sentence or statement. Also used in abbreviations.

Example: She went to the store. Dr. Smith

Comma (,): Used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases, and to separate independent clauses when joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).

Example: I like apples, bananas, and oranges. Before going to bed, she always reads a book.

Question Mark (?): Used to end a direct question.

Example: Where are you going?

Exclamation Mark (!): Indicates strong emotion, excitement, or emphasis.

Example: Wow! That was amazing!

Colon (:): Used to introduce a list, explanation, or quotation.

Example: There are three colors in the flag: red, blue, and green.

Semicolon (;): Used to connect closely related independent clauses without a conjunction.

Example: She likes coffee; he prefers tea.

Quotation Marks (" "): Used to indicate direct speech or to enclose titles of shorter works.

Example: She said, "I'll be there in a minute." The short story is titled "The Lost Key."

Apostrophe ('): Used to indicate possession or to form contractions.

Example: Jane's book is on the shelf. They're (they are) coming.

Hyphen (-): Used to join words in a compound, to separate syllables in a word, or to clarify meaning.

Example: well-known, twenty-five, re-create

Parentheses (()): Used to enclose additional information or comments within a sentence.

Example: The meeting (which was scheduled for 3:00 PM) has been postponed.

Ellipsis (...): Indicates omitted words or a pause in speech.

Example: "I thought you were... never mind."

Dash (—): Used to emphasize or set off information within a sentence.

Example: She completed the assignment—despite the challenges.

Remember that these are general rules, and there may be specific cases or exceptions. It's always good to refer to a style guide or grammar resource for more detailed information.

The basic rules of spelling in English

  • i before e except after c: This rule is a helpful guideline for spelling words with the vowel combination "ie" or "ei." However, there are many exceptions to this rule, so it's not foolproof. Example: believe, receive (exceptions: science, efficient)
  • Silent 'e': When a word ends with a silent "e," it often makes the preceding vowel long. Example: kite, hope (the "e" at the end affects the pronunciation of the preceding vowel)
  • Doubling final consonant before -ing or -ed: When adding -ing or -ed to a word that ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant. Example: run (running), hop (hopped)
  • Drop final 'e' before a suffix that begins with a vowel: When adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a word ending in a silent "e," drop the final "e." Example: bake (baking), hope (hoping)
  • Changing 'y' to 'i' before a suffix: When a word ends in a consonant followed by a "y," change the "y" to "i" before adding a suffix (except when the suffix begins with "i"). Example: happy (happiness), baby (babies) 
  • Plurals: Add -s to form the plural of most nouns. Add -es to nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh. Example: cat (cats), box (boxes), buzz (buzzes)
  • Irregular plurals: Some nouns have irregular plural forms. Example: man (men), child (children), mouse (mice)
  • Common prefixes and suffixes: Understanding common prefixes (e.g., un-, dis-, pre-) and suffixes (e.g., -ly, -tion, -able) can help in spelling various words. Example: unhappy, disconnect, preheat, quickly, celebration, capable
  • Homophones: Be careful with words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Example: their, there, they're; to, too, two
  • Exceptions: English has many irregular words and exceptions to the rules. Learning them through practice is crucial.

These rules provide a general foundation for English spelling, but it's important to note that there are exceptions and variations. Regular reading and exposure to words in context can greatly enhance spelling skills.

The basic rules of grammar in English include

  • Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "He walks" (singular) versus "They walk" (plural).
  • Punctuation: Use appropriate punctuation marks, such as periods, commas, question marks, exclamation points, colons, and semicolons, to convey meaning and structure sentences correctly.
  • Sentence Structure: Construct well-formed sentences with a clear subject, verb, and object. Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.
  • Tenses: Use appropriate verb tenses to indicate the timing of actions or events. Common tenses include past, present, and future.
  • Parts of Speech: Understand and use different parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Articles: Use articles (a, an, the) correctly to specify or limit a noun.
  • Modifiers: Place modifiers (adjectives and adverbs) in appropriate positions to provide clarity and precision.
  • Parallelism: Maintain parallel structure in lists and comparisons, ensuring that similar elements are presented in a consistent grammatical form.
  • Concord (Agreement): Ensure that elements within a sentence, such as pronouns and their antecedents, agree in gender, number, and person.
  • Capitalization: Capitalize the first word of a sentence, proper nouns, and proper adjectives.
  • Spelling: Spell words correctly to convey the intended meaning.
  • Consistency: Be consistent in style, tense, and point of view throughout a piece of writing.
  • Apostrophes: Use apostrophes to indicate possession and to form contractions.
  • Subject and Object Pronouns: Choose the correct subject or object pronoun based on its role in the sentence (e.g., "he" as a subject and "him" as an object).
  • Comma Usage: Employ commas to indicate pauses, separate items in a list, set off introductory elements, and separate coordinate adjectives.

These are foundational rules, but English grammar can be complex, and there may be exceptions or additional nuances to consider. It's also important to be aware of variations in grammar rules between different English-speaking regions.

TextAdviser Grammar and Punctuation Check FAQs

  • AI-Powered: It uses advanced AI algorithms and deep learning models, which make it highly accurate and efficient in detecting and correcting errors.
  • Contextual Understanding: The tool has a strong understanding of context, which helps it to correctly identify and fix grammar and punctuation errors, even in complex sentences.
  • Comprehensive Error Detection: It can detect a wide range of errors, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax mistakes.
  • Multilingual Support: The tool supports multiple languages, making it useful for people who write in different languages.
  • User-Friendly Interface: It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to check their texts and correct errors.
  • Instant Feedback: The tool provides instant feedback on errors, allowing users to correct them promptly.
  • Customizable: It can be customized to suit individual preferences and requirements.
  • Free to Use: It is available for free, making it an affordable option for users who want to improve their writing.
  • You input your text into the text box provided.
  • The tool uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques to analyze the text for errors.
  • The tool highlights any detected errors and provides suggestions for correction.
  • You review the suggestions and make the necessary corrections.
Anyone who wants to improve their writing skills can use TextAdviser's Grammar and Punctuation Checker. Students, teachers, writers, and professionals can benefit from using this tool to ensure their writing is clear and error-free. It is suitable for both native and non-native English speakers.
Yes, TextAdviser's Grammar and Punctuation Checker also functions as a spell checker. It can identify and correct misspelled words, ensuring your text is not only grammatically correct but also spelled accurately. This makes it a versatile tool for anyone who writes in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and German.
Yes, TextAdviser's Grammar and Punctuation Checker can be used as a punctuation checker. It can identify and correct incorrect or missing punctuation in your text, such as commas, periods, semicolons, and apostrophes. This ensures your writing is not only grammatically correct but also adheres to proper punctuation rules.
Yes, TextAdviser's Grammar and Punctuation Checker is a free tool. You can use it without any cost to improve the quality of your writing and ensure it is free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. To improve ease of use, you can purchase the PRO version.





Thank you for the opportunity to conveniently check punctuation without any limits on the number of checks


Upon using the punctuation checker service, I must say that I'm quite impressed with its capabilities. The service effectively identifies and corrects punctuation errors in written text, enhancing the overall clarity and coherence of the content. The accuracy of the corrections is noteworthy, as the service not only focuses on the standard punctuation rules but also takes into account context and style nuances.


Thank you. I really enjoyed the program. I'll bookmark it.


I have been using the grammar, spelling, and punctuation checking service offered by this platform, and I must say it's been a game-changer for my writing. Whether you're a professional writer, a student, or just someone who values clear and error-free communication, this tool is a must-have in your arsenal. The user interface is clean and user-friendly. Navigating the website is a breeze, and I appreciate the option to choose languages other than English right from the main page. The step-by-step recommendation to first check spelling and then move on to punctuation is a smart approach that ensures a thorough review of your text.


what is the best grammar checker app?


When it comes to finding the best grammar checker app, our online service and mobile application stand out as top contenders. Our platform offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution to enhance your writing by ensuring impeccable grammar and language accuracy. Our online service and mobile app employ advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies, making them powerful tools to detect various grammatical errors, such as punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and more. Not only do we focus on basic grammar rules, but we also provide insights into more nuanced writing aspects, including style and tone. The user experience is seamless and intuitive. Whether you're using our web platform or mobile app, you can easily integrate our grammar checking capabilities into your writing process. Our tools are designed to be flexible, allowing you to compose emails, documents, essays, and more while receiving real-time suggestions to enhance your content's clarity and professionalism. Moreover, our service is regularly updated to stay current with the ever-evolving nuances of the English language. This means you can trust that our suggestions are aligned with the latest grammar conventions. So, if you're looking for the best grammar checker app, we invite you to give our online service and mobile application a try. Elevate your writing to new heights with our powerful grammar checking tools, available at your fingertips wherever you go.


The Text Spell Checker and Comma Service has transformed my writing experience. Its spell checker catches typos and suggests better words, while the comma service nails accurate placements. The user-friendly interface integrates seamlessly with various platforms and maintains my writing style. Although it struggled with specific terms, it's a must-have for anyone aiming to improve their writing.


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